Converting a PGN to a list of FEN strings in nodejs (chess notations)

(Not really an answer; just a comment that needs extra formatting.)

Your getMovesAsFENs function might also be written as:

function getMovesAsFENs(chessObj) {
    return chessObj.history().map(function(move) {
        return chessObj.fen();

Perhaps it doesn't matter to you, but this appeals to my sense of neatness.

Take a look to the github page .load_pgn link

var chess = new Chess();
pgn = ['[Event "Casual Game"]',
       '[Site "Berlin GER"]',
       '[Date "1852.??.??"]',
       '[EventDate "?"]',
       '[Round "?"]',
       '[Result "1-0"]',
       '[White "Adolf Anderssen"]',
       '[Black "Jean Dufresne"]',
       '[ECO "C52"]',
       '[WhiteElo "?"]',
       '[BlackElo "?"]',
       '[PlyCount "47"]',
       '1.e4 e5 2.Nf3 Nc6 3.Bc4 Bc5 4.b4 Bxb4 5.c3 Ba5 6.d4 exd4 7.O-O',
       'd3 8.Qb3 Qf6 9.e5 Qg6 10.Re1 Nge7 11.Ba3 b5 12.Qxb5 Rb8 13.Qa4',
       'Bb6 14.Nbd2 Bb7 15.Ne4 Qf5 16.Bxd3 Qh5 17.Nf6+ gxf6 18.exf6',
       'Rg8 19.Rad1 Qxf3 20.Rxe7+ Nxe7 21.Qxd7+ Kxd7 22.Bf5+ Ke8',
       '23.Bd7+ Kf8 24.Bxe7# 1-0'];

// -> true

// -> 1r3kr1/pbpBBp1p/1b3P2/8/8/2P2q2/P4PPP/3R2K1 b - - 0 24

something like

moves = chess.history();
var chess1 = new Chess();
for (move in moves){
    fen = chess1.fen()