Display issue with oh-my-zsh agnoster theme
As stated on the agnoster-github-page you need either a
- Powerline-patched font
- Font that contains the characters needed
Your currently used font seems to be missing the \ue0b0
char. It looks different from what it should look like (A full-line-height one-char-wide right pointing triangle)
I would look into some of these fonts:
- Patched fonts for Powerline users
- Being a fan of not using patched fonts I prefer Hack and FiraCode
You just need to install a font that contains these characters. for example, you can install Powerline fonts using this command:
sudo apt-get install fonts-powerline
That worked for me as well.
I was having this issue on Debian 9 with urxvt. Fixed it changing font to Hack. Thanks to @AnimiVulpis answer.
Install Hack font on Debian:
apt-get install fonts-hack-ttf
Configure on ~/.Xresources:
URxvt.font: xft:Hack:size=8