Draw 3D rectangle
You don't have to put the commands in a scope, you can pass the options to the commands directly:
\draw[canvas is xy plane at z=0] ...;
but this greatly increases line length. Instead you can define styles with a parameter to use these:
\tikzset{my style name/.style={canvas is xy plane at z=#1}}
And as a small remark: instead of giving the unit vectors in cartesian form (which is very inconvineant if you want to change them), you can use polar notation:
\tikzoption{canvas is xy plane at z}[]{%
\tikzset{xyp/.style={canvas is xy plane at z=#1}}
\tikzset{xzp/.style={canvas is xz plane at y=#1}}
\tikzset{yzp/.style={canvas is yz plane at x=#1}}
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {x} (1,0,0);
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {y} (0,1,0);
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {z} (0,0,1);
\foreach \n in {-0.1,-0.2,...,-2}
{ \fill[opacity=0.3,yellow,draw=black,xyp=\n] (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
\fill[opacity=0.3,red,draw=black,xzp=\n] (0,0) (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
\fill[opacity=0.3,blue,draw=black,yzp=\n] (0,0) (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
Reading the source, I found that you just need to replace
canvas is xy plane at z
canvas is yx plane at z
Their definition in tikzlibrary3d.code.tex
\tikzoption{canvas is xy plane at z}{% \tikz@addtransform{\pgftransformshift{\pgfpointxyz{0}{0}{#1}}}% } \tikzoption{canvas is yx plane at z}[]{% \def\tikz@plane@origin{\pgfpointxyz{0}{0}{#1}}% \def\tikz@plane@x{\pgfpointxyz{0}{1}{#1}}% \def\tikz@plane@y{\pgfpointxyz{1}{0}{#1}}% \tikz@canvas@is@plane }
For example @Tom Bombadil's answer can by modified to
\tikzset{xyp/.style={canvas is yx plane at z=#1}}
\tikzset{xzp/.style={canvas is xz plane at y=#1}}
\tikzset{yzp/.style={canvas is yz plane at x=#1}}
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {x} (1,0,0);
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {y} (0,1,0);
\draw[->] (0,0,0) -- node[pos=1.2] {z} (0,0,1);
\foreach \n in {-0.1,-0.2,...,-2}
{ \fill[opacity=0.3,yellow,draw=black,xyp=\n] (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
\fill[opacity=0.3,red,draw=black,xzp=\n] (0,0) (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
\fill[opacity=0.3,blue,draw=black,yzp=\n] (0,0) (0-\n/5,0-\n/5) rectangle (2+\n/5,2+\n/5);
And the output is exactly the same.
Apparently @Alain Matthes in the linked question found this too.