Is there a way to produce this division symbol? ÷

Werner's and egreg's comments are correct: you should still use \div, but inside of math mode.

So: $6 \div 3 = 2$.

$6 \div 3 = 2$

The questioner said: Is there a way to produce this division symbol? ÷

And I said:

With PSTricks

enter image description here



With TikZ


    \draw[line width=10pt,fill=black] 
        (0,2) -- (4,2)
        (2,0.75) circle (15pt)
        (2,3.25) circle (15pt);


If you need a fancier div symbol...

enter image description here

\pstVerb{/ptcm {\pst@number\psunit\space div} bind def}
    \psframe[linewidth=10pt](!0 2 5 ptcm sub)(!4 2 5 ptcm add)
    \moveto(!2 15 ptcm add 0.75)
    \moveto(!2 15 ptcm add 3.25)

