Efficiently merge lists chronologically without duplicates?

Update: You can use TopologicalSort after turning each list to a list of rules reflecting the ordering of its elements:

topoSort = TopologicalSort[Flatten[Thread[Most@# -> Rest@#] & /@ #]] &;

lists = {{a1, a5}, {a3, a2, a5}, {a1, a2}} ;
topoSort @ lists 

{a1, a3, a2, a5}

Timings: Using a scaled down version of OP's data:

{n, m, k} = {1000, 300, 500};
alist = RandomSample[Table[ToExpression["a" <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, n}]];
range = Range[n];
  len = RandomInteger[{m, n}];
  select = Sort[RandomSample[range, len]];
  sublists[j] = alist[[select]];
  , {j, 1, k}]

allsublists = Array[sublists, k];

f = mergeChron[allsublists]; // RepeatedTiming // First


g = merge[allsublists]; // RepeatedTiming // First


h = topoSort[allsublists]; // RepeatedTiming // First


Equal[f, g, h]


With {n, m, k} = {2000, 600, 1000}, the timings are 9.44, 5.69 and 1.64 for mergeChron, merge and topoSort, respectively,

Original answer: (this needs further work ...)

Fold[Experimental`ShortestSupersequence, sublists /@ Range[3]]

{a3, a1, a2, a5}


Fold[Experimental`ShortestSupersequence, RotateRight[sublists /@ Range[3]]]

{a1, a3, a2, a5}

In case this produces an output with duplicates we can use

DeleteDuplicates @ Fold[Experimental`ShortestSupersequence, sublists /@ Range[5000]]

I think the following works but please give it a try with your data. I've tried quite a few random examples and it has worked for all of them.

First, construct a directed graph with edges defined by neighbors in the sublists:

allsublists = Array[sublists, 5000];  (* or whatever the max count is *)
G = Graph[Join @@ (BlockMap[Apply[Rule], #, 2, 1] & /@ allsublists)]

Next, look at the GraphDistanceMatrix and count how many times the symbol appears in each row:

infcount = Count[∞] /@ GraphDistanceMatrix[G]

Next, sort the graph vertices according to this infcount:

alist = SortBy[Transpose[{VertexList[G], infcount}], Last][[All, 1]]

All together in one function:

merge[L_] := 
  With[{G = Graph[Join @@ (BlockMap[Apply[Rule], #, 2, 1] & /@ L)]},
    SortBy[Transpose[{VertexList[G], Count[∞] /@ GraphDistanceMatrix[G]}], Last][[All, 1]]]


The given example is

allsublists = Array[sublists, 3]
(*    {{a1, a5}, {a3, a2, a5}, {a1, a2}}    *)

Construct the directed neighbor graph:

G = Graph[Join @@ (BlockMap[Apply[Rule], #, 2, 1] & /@ allsublists),
  VertexLabels -> Automatic]

enter image description here

Have a look at the graph distance matrix:

(*    {a1, a5, a3, a2}    *)
(*    {{0, 1, ∞, 1},
       {∞, 0, ∞, ∞},
       {∞, 2, 0, 1},
       {∞, 1, ∞, 0}}    *)

count the infinities in each row, i.e., for each vertex we count how many other vertices are unreachable:

infcount = Count[∞] /@ GraphDistanceMatrix[G]
(*    {1, 3, 1, 2}    *)

sort the vertices by the number of infinities (i.e. by the number of unreachable other vertices):

alist = SortBy[Transpose[{VertexList[G], infcount}], Last][[All, 1]]
(*    {a1, a3, a2, a5}    *)

Using PositionIndex and Merge,

mergeChron[x_] := Merge[PositionIndex /@ x, Max] // Sort // Keys;



allsublists= {{a1, a5}, {a3, a2, a5}, {a1, a2}};

{a1, a3, a2, a5}


alist = RandomSample[Table[ToExpression["a" <> ToString[i]], {i, 1, 1000}]];
range = Range[1000];
Do[len = RandomInteger[{450, 1000}];
 select = Sort[RandomSample[range, len]];
 sublists[j] = alist[[select]];, {j, 1, 300}]

For num = 300, all three of the methods produce the same output. However, that's not the case for num = 30. It might be because of the existence of multiple solutions (as discussed in comments).

num = 300;
allsublists = Array[sublists, num];
f = mergeChron[allsublists];
g = merge[allsublists]; (*Roman's*)
h = topoSort[allsublists]; (*kglr's*)
f == g == h
