Entity Framework Not Generating Classes for Tables or Procedures

Make sure the table has a key column. It will not generate the view if there is no key column in a table.

There were several steps involved in what I did, and I have to give some credit to the people who commented below the question.

1) I uninstalled nuget package manager and reinstalled the latest version (apparently mine was not fresh). This allowed me to install EntityFramework via nugget with no errors or rollback messages.

2) I'm not sure if this helped or not, but I also reinstalled Entity Framework Tools for Visual Studio via Microsoft's website. I'm still not sure if it's necessary to have both.

3) The ADO.NET Entity Data Model template appeared to be missing from the Add New Item dialogue. After selecting "Add -> Component" instead of "Add -> New Item", it then mystically appeared under both lists.

Once that was done, I was able to run EF Designer and everything generated with no problem.