Enumerate all palindromic numbers (in decimal) between 0 and n

Perl 5.10, 29 (or 39) characters

say for grep$_==reverse,0..<>

Needs the say feature enabled. 29 chars if you consider that to be free, otherwise 39 to add use 5.010;. Argument on STDIN.

Perl, 35 characters

#!perl -l
print for grep $_==reverse,0..<>

using the old perlgolf convention that #!perl is not counted but any flags following it are.

Perl, 36 characters

print$_,$/for grep $_==reverse,0..<>

If none of the others qualify.

Befunge 320 313 303 characters

(including significant newlines and whitespace)

 &:#v_v#  #                  :-1<
v91:<         v          <
0     >0.@    >\25**\1-:#^_v
pv   p09+1g09<^_           >$+     v
:>:25*%\25*/:| ^:p18:+1g18\<
 :          > >90g 1-:90p  | >  ^
>|           $^     <      >-|  ^  #<
 @           > 0 81p^        >:.25*,^
            ^                      <

I wonder if I could make this smaller by rerouting the paths...

Edit: redid the top part to avoid an extra line.

Perl 5.10 - 27 characters

map{say if$_==reverse}0..<>

Reads the argument from stdin.