Environment for chemical reaction with reference

You can define new Reaction command; I also would suggest to use rxn acronym instead of rea for better code readability (rxn stands exclusively for "reaction", whereas "rea" has numerous meanings). Adapted from my answer:

enter image description here

        modules = {reactions},
        formula = mhchem,
        reactions/tag-open    = {(},
        reactions/tag-close   = {)},

You can see the chemical decomposition at \rxnref{rxn:bla} and its mathematical representation in \autoref{eq:foo}.

    t^2 + 27t

    \ce{SiC + 2O2 -> CO2 + SiO2}


With the code of a previous answer of mine and some additions


\makeatletter % patchcmd from etoolbox, loaded by chemmacros
  \edef\@tempa{\csname theH#1\endcsname}%
  \edef\Hy@param{\if R\@tempa reaction\else#1\fi}%

  modules = {reactions},
  formula = mhchem,

You can see the chemical decomposition at \autoref{rea:bla} and its 
mathematical representation in \autoref{eq:foo}.
t^2 + 27t
and there is a reaction
\ce{SiC + 2O2 -> CO2 + SiO2},


enter image description here