expression inside ng-class

html :

    <div ng-controller="mainCtrl">

        <div ng-repeat="message in data.messages" ng-class="'className-' + message.type">

            Repeat Me           




javascript :

var mainCtrl=function($scope) {

    $ = {}

    $ = [
            "type": "phone"},
            "type": "email"},
            "type": "meeting"},
            "type": "note"}


in the fiddle you put some {{}} around the expression dont do it because it is an expression.

FYI, an alternative to what @camus answered:

class="{{'className-' + message.type}}" 

When using class, the expression (inside {{}}s) must evaluate to a string of space-delimited class names.

When using ng-class, the expression must evaluate to one of the following:

  1. a string of space-delimited class names, or
  2. and array of class names, or
  3. a map/object of class names to boolean values.