footnote in table with hyperlinks

As we found out in the comments to the question if compiled with pdflatex the links are rectangles, i.e. the foodnote marks are inside the link boxes. latex + dvips leads to empty link boxes below the table footnotes instead.

The savenotes environment produces wrong hyperlinks, though. tablefootnote gets them right:


     A & 1 & 2 \tablefootnote{This is the first footnote.} \\
     B & 2 & 1 \\
     C & 3\tablefootnote{This is the second footnote.} & 3 \\
  \caption{A table caption.}

Text\footnote{This footnote is hyperlinked.}


enter image description here

In case you're willing to consider using table notes instead of footnotes, the referable option of threeparttablex would provide a suitable command, \tnotex. While the package is originally designed to work with longtable, it also extends threeparttable environment by some commands, among them \tnotex.




            A & 1 & 2 \tnote{1} \\
            B & 2 & 1 \\
            C & 3\tnotex{tn:2} & 3 \\
            Line & producing & space. \\
            \item[1] This is the first note.
            \item[2] \label{tn:2} This is the hyperlinked note.
    \caption{A table caption.}
Text\footnote{This footnote is hyperlinked.}

enter image description here