Inline TikZ - vertical centering

You can directly tell where the baseline should meet the picture using the baseline option

the distance \tikz[baseline=-0.5ex]{ \draw [|-|] (0,0) -- (5ex,0); } overarching the activities

enter image description here

Neither percusse's nor Claudio's answer worked for me when I wanted to insert a small inline graph. Instead Martin's suggestion of \raisebox did work.




\usepackage{pgfplots} %for drawing of graphs

The original one 
    \begin{axis}[width=10 ex, height = 3 ex, 
                 scale only axis, hide axis]
        \addplot[black] {rand};
is too high.

And percusse's \verb|[baseline=-0.5 ex]|
    \begin{axis}[width=10 ex, height = 3 ex, 
                 scale only axis, hide axis]
        \addplot[black] {rand};
does not work, it only shifts 
    \begin{axis}[width=10 ex, height = 3 ex, 
                 scale only axis, hide axis]
        \addplot[black] {rand};
the graph upwards a little.

\verb|\raisebox{-.5 ex}|
\raisebox{-.5 ex}{\frame{
    width=10 ex, height = 3 ex, scale only axis,
    hide axis,
    \addplot[black] {rand};
does work in this case, but I don't know why.