Format string dynamically

You can fetch the padding value from the argument list:

print '%*s : %*s' % (20, "Python", 20, "Very Good")

You can even insert the padding values dynamically:

width = 20
args = ("Python", "Very Good")
padded_args = zip([width] * len(args), args)
# Flatten the padded argument list.
print "%*s : %*s" % tuple([item for list in padded_args for item in list])

print '%*s : %*s' % (width, 'Python', width, 'Very Good')

For those who want to do the same thing with python 3.6+ and f-Strings this is the solution.

width = 20
py, vg = "Python", "Very Good"
print(f"{py:>{width}s} : {vg:>{width}s}")

You can do this using the str.format() method.

>>> width = 20
>>> print("{:>{width}} : {:>{width}}".format("Python", "Very Good", width=width))
              Python :            Very Good

Starting from Python 3.6 you can use f-string to do this:

In [579]: lang = 'Python'

In [580]: adj = 'Very Good'

In [581]: width = 20

In [582]: f'{lang:>{width}}: {adj:>{width}}'
Out[582]: '              Python:            Very Good'


