Functions and if - else in python. Mutliple conditions. Codeacademy


s == "Yes" or "yes" or "YES"

is equivalent to this:

(s == "Yes") or ("yes") or ("YES")

Which will always return True, since a non-empty string is True.

Instead, you want to compare s with each string individually, like so:

(s == "Yes") or (s == "yes") or (s == "YES")  # brackets just for clarification

It should end up like this:

def shut_down(s):
    if s == "Yes" or s == "yes" or s == "YES":
        return "Shutting down..."
    elif s == "No" or s == "no" or s == "NO":
        return "Shutdown aborted!"
        return "Sorry, I didn't understand you."

You can do it a couple of ways:

if s == 'Yes' or s == 'yes' or s == 'YES':
    return "Shutting down..."


if s in ['Yes', 'yes', 'YES']:
    return "Shutting down..."

Welcome to SO. I am going to walk through the answer, step-by-step.

s = raw_input ("Would you like to shut down?")

This asks if the user would like to shut down.

def shut_down(s):
    if s.lower() == "yes":
        print "Shutting down..."
    elif s.lower() == "no":
        print "Shutdown aborted!"
        print "Sorry, I didn't understand you."

This is probably new to you. If you have a string, and then .lower() it changes all input from s to lowercase. This is simpler than giving a list of all possibilities.


This calls the function.