Gradle build failing after update to 3.0

For latest update of Android Studio 3.0

In Name) change URL of distributionUrl to the following:


Upgrade your gradle build tools to the latest version.

One easy way to do this is to add the latest version of the build tools as a dependency in your build.gradle file, for example:

dependencies {
    classpath ''

You can then run gradle tasks and gradle will download everything you need.

After Android Studio 2.2 stable released on Sep 19 2016 , the latest version of the build tools is 2.2.0 . So you can fix it by :

dependencies {
    classpath ''

As Android Studio 2.4 stable is not ready to release yet (May 4 2017), the latest stable version of build tools is 2.3.1 .

dependencies {
    classpath ''

If you update this build tools version to 2.3.* , you should also update gradle wrapper version to 3.3 in /yourProjectRoot/gradle/wrapper/ file. (i know it is not matching question Gradle build failing after update to 3.0, but i strongly suggest you to use latest build tool as google recommended)

BTW: version 2.3.1 of build tool is only exist on jCenter, not MavenCentral, so if you run into error below when run gradlew command line in terminal

Could not find
 Searched in the following locations:

just replace mavenCentral() with jcenter() like

 repositories {

If you use gradle plugin 2.1.3, It's simple to solve:

update your gradle plugin to version 2.2.0-beta1

Notes: this is a beta version, maybe you can get any other issues.

Happy coding :)

Okay I got it working. For anyone facing the same problem the way it worked for me is as follows:

  1. Go to your external .gradle folder (for me it was C:\Users\drilon.gradle). Inside caches and daemon folder delete all the version folder (they look like this "2.14.1", or "3.0"). Also go to wrapper -> dists -> delete everything there.
  2. Inside your project root (for me it was C:\Users\drilon\AndroidStudioProjects\PorjectName) go to the .gradle folder and delete everything there.
  3. Rebuild the project

Turns out this solution was setting the gradle version back to 2.14.1. ending0421's solution is the working one.