HAXM configuration in android studio

Reinstall HAXM with more RAM:

sudo $ANDROID_SDK/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/silent_install.sh -u
sudo $ANDROID_SDK/sdk/extras/intel/Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager/silent_install.sh -m 1024

your HAXM RAM is lower than your AVD RAM.


  1. Re-run you HAXM installation and increase RAM to match that of AVD(emulator).
  2. Alternatively, decrease RAM of AVD(emulator) to match that of HAXM.

The memory needed by this AVD should not be exceeds the max specified in your HAXM configuration.

  • It should be less than RAM set for HAMX.
  • Go to ~\AppData\Local\Android\sdk\extras\intel\Hardware_Accelerated_Execution_Manager \intelhamx_android.exe.

  • Reinstall intel HAXM and set its RAM to 1024MB.

  • Edit your AVD set its RAM to 768MB.

  • Build and run your application.

If you cant change the RAM via reinstalling it means you installed HAXM via Android Studios.

  1. Ctrl + Alt + S
  2. click on SDK Tools
  3. uncheck the box for Intel HAXM (Intel HAXM Installer)
  4. click Apply
  5. recheck the box for Intel HAXM and the program should now ask you to reenter the RAM Usage via slider or number