How can I get rid of a persistent tooltip?

Preface: This issue seems to appear solely on Linux. For me, a reliable way to reproduce it is to do the following: Create this plot wich contains an invalid Epilog

data = RandomReal[1, {100, 2}];
ListPlot[data, Epilog -> Table[Point[], {20}]]

You get the plot with is red, and when you hover with the mouse over the area, you get the normal tooltip showing you what is wrong. Now, click on the code line again to have the cursor ready for re-evaluating the plot but before you go on, make sure your mouse still hovers over the plot and you see the tooltip. Then, press Shift+Enter and you should be left with a persisting error tooltip


To get rid of this tooltip, you need to press Ctrl+P to open the print dialogue and it will disappear.

Probably worth mentioning another possible way of removing a stuck persistent tool tip is to jump in and out of full screen mode by double pressing the F12 key.