How can I handle errors with HTTParty?

You can also use such handy predicate methods as success? or bad_gateway? in this way:

response =, options)
p response.success?

Full list of possible responses can be found under Rack::Utils::SYMBOL_TO_STATUS_CODE constant.

This answer addresses connection failures. If a URL isn´t found the status code won´t help you. Rescue it like this:

 rescue HTTParty::Error
   # don´t do anything / whatever
 rescue StandardError
   # rescue instances of StandardError,
   # i.e. Timeout::Error, SocketError etc

For more information see: this github issue

An instance of HTTParty::Response has a code attribute which contains the status code of the HTTP response. It's given as an integer. So, something like this:

response = HTTParty.get('')

case response.code
  when 200
    puts "All good!"
  when 404
    puts "O noes not found!"
  when 500...600
    puts "ZOMG ERROR #{response.code}"