How crop some region of image in Java?

My initial guess is that your (x + w) > image.getWidth().

If you print out image.getWidth(), is it 3264? :O

What you're currently doing is this:

<-- 3264 ------>
|    orig      | +-- Causing the problem
|              | V
|   +--------------+
|100| overlap  |   |
|   |          |   |
|   |          |   |
+---|----------+   |
    |              |
    |    out       |

If you're trying to trim off the top corner of orig, and just get "overlap" then you need to do

BufferedImage out = image.getSubimage(x, y, w-x, h-y);

If you're trying to do this:

|                  |
|  +-----------+   |
|  |           |   |
|  |           |   |
|  |           |   |
|  |           |   |
|  +-----------+   |
|                  |

Then you need to do this:

BufferedImage out = image.getSubimage(x, y, w-2*x, h-2*y);

For those who just want cropping and other basic image manipulation features on your software I recommend to use an image processing library. Usually the implementations are optimized and stable.

Some Java image processing libraries: ImageJ, Marvin, JMagick, JIU, JH Labs, imgscalr.

Another advantage is to keep things simple on your side. You can do a lot of things with just a few lines of code. In the example below, I used Marvin Framework for cropping.

enter image description here

enter image description here


MarvinImage image = MarvinImageIO.loadImage("./res/famousFace.jpg");
crop(image.clone(), image, 60, 32, 182, 62);
MarvinImageIO.saveImage(image, "./res/famousFace_cropped.jpg");