How do I make a dashed or dotted checkmark?

An alternative solution is to use the pdfrender package. Documentation of the package can be found here. The key is to use the LineDashPattern parameter.

        LineDashPattern=[1 1]0,

    This is a dashed checkmark \dashcheckmark

enter image description here

One possibility is to use TikZ for that.

enter image description here


\begin{tikzpicture}[scale=0.0012, x=\baselineskip, y=-\baselineskip]
    \fill (228,734) -- (190,638) -- (228,615) -- (242,610) -- (248,623) -- (254,635) -- (266,620) -- (277,604) -- (288,617) -- (305,638) -- (312,648) -- (305,662) -- (292,685) -- (287,697) -- (277,703) -- (239,730) -- (230,738) -- (228,734) -- cycle;
    \fill (166,608) -- (144,592) -- (141,590) -- (161,572) -- (190,558) -- (202,559) -- (216,568) -- (223,582) -- (198,600) -- (172,614) -- (166,608) -- cycle;
    \fill (318,593) -- (299,576) -- (306,563) -- (347,514) -- (353,510) -- (383,534) -- (387,537) -- (373,556) -- (347,592) -- (336,608) -- (318,593) -- cycle;
    \fill (391,496) -- (377,483) -- (452,413) -- (470,435) -- (458,450) -- (415,501) -- (408,508) -- (391,496) -- cycle;
    \fill (482,406) -- (476,396) -- (529,360) -- (538,374) -- (500,407) -- (490,415) -- (482,406) -- cycle;



\small Some text. Some text with \chmdash\ and  \chmdash. Some text. Some text. Some text. \chmdash\ and some text. Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text.

\Large Some text. Some text with \chmdash\ and \chmdash. Some text. Some text. Some text. \chmdash\ and some text. Some text. Some text. Some text. Some text.


Related: How to export svg to tikz

