How to add adsurl field as link to bibliography

In biblatex it is possible to define new bibtex fields. New fields can be created using \DeclareDatamodelFields and \DeclareDatamodelEntrytypes (these commands should appear in a biblatex configuration file, a simple ways is to is to use filecontents to create such configuration file while processing a document)


The second step is to specify how it is going to be rendered. For example,


and then add


in the drivers/bibmacro for the entries where the field should be printed. The following simply add the adsurl at the end of an bibliography entry in the bibliography.


This is a workaround just for the A&A journal. I modified aa.bst file and use the adsurl entry and doi entry to create clickable hyperlinks. You can download the new aa_url.bst here:

just replace the aa.bst with aa_url.bst

An example is here: enter image description here

Note that do please use the bib entry generated by the ADS website.