How to convert pstricks animation to GIF file?

Assume that you want to create an animation as follows.

enter image description here

Step 1:

Create a PDF file consists of at lease 2 pages. Compiling the following input file with either latex-dvips-ps2pdf or xelatex produces a PDF file with 30 pages. Each page represent one frame.

% input.tex



enter image description here

Step 2:

Install ImageMagick.

Step 3:

Install Ghostscript. Without it you cannot rasterize vector files (PDF, EPS, PS, etc.) with ImageMagick.

Step 4:

Convert the PDF to GIF using the following command:

convert -delay <integer> -loop 0 -density <integer> -alpha <on,off,remove> input.pdf output.gif


  • -delay <integer> specifies the delay between 2 consecutive frames in 1/100 second.

  • -density <integer> specifies the resolution.

  • -alpha <on,off,remove> specifies whether or not you enable, disable or remove the alpha channel.

enter image description here

Another example:

enter image description here

    \pstVerb{/#2 \csname#2\endcsname\space def}%

\Const{FPS}{25}% frame rate must be synced with the convert's delay!
\Const{Vx}{2}% propagation speed
\Const{Period}{1}% second



\newcommand\System[4][0]{% #1: box, #2: x, #3: y, #4: label




Use convert -delay 4 -loop 0 -density 200 -alpha remove shm.pdf shm.gif. The -delay 4 represents the rate of 25 frame per second. The formula is FPS = 100 / DELAY.

Just in case you need a PDF animation then use the following template.

% this filename is main.tex
% compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape main



% put you compilable PSTricks input file here!


\immediate\write18{latex temporary}
\immediate\write18{dvips temporary}

\animategraphics[controls,autoplay,loop,scale=1]{<frame rate>}{temporary}{}{}

For example,

% this filename is main.tex
% compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape main



    \pstVerb{/#2 \csname#2\endcsname\space def}%

\Const{Vx}{2}% propagation speed
\Const{Period}{1}% second



\newcommand\System[4][0]{% #1: box, #2: x, #3: y, #4: label





\immediate\write18{latex temporary}
\immediate\write18{dvips temporary}


And compile it with pdflatex -shell-escape main.