How to create my own list of things

Example for the tocloft package:




\newcommand{\listexamplename}{List of mycustomfiction}

% Reset section numbering between unnumbered chapters


    % How to remove double “Contents” heading generated by memoir?

    \chapter{Two mycustomfiction}
    \mycustomfiction{Your first example}
    Your first example

    \mycustomfiction{Your second example}
    Your second example

    \chapter{One example}
    \mycustomfiction{Your third example. (See example \ref{1st_ex} and \ref{2nd_ex})}
    Your third example. (See example \ref{1st_ex} and \ref{2nd_ex})


enter image description here

For the memoir package you need to build more things using the memoir's class emulation of tocloft. See the question for memoir's example: Custom list throw LaTeX Error: Command \mycustomfiction already defined?

Use the tocloft package. For a short introduction see for example: