How to divide a circle into 3 parts with text using tikzpicture environment
an alternative:
- used polar coordinates
define radius of circle and with it also calculated distances of nodes from circle centre
\documentclass[tikz, margin=3mm]{standalone} \usepackage[spanish]{babel} \usepackage[T1]{fontenc} \usetikzlibrary{babel} \begin{document} \begin{tikzpicture} \def\R{3cm} % defined radius of circle \draw (0,0) circle[radius=\R]; \draw (0,0) -- (90:\R) (0,0) -- (210:\R) (0,0) -- (330:\R); % \node at ( 30:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)}; \node at (150:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)}; \node at (270:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)}; \end{tikzpicture} \end{document}
The interception points of the lines with the circle can easily be calculated using trigonometric functions. Once these points are known, drawing is straight forward:
\draw (0,0) circle (3);
\draw (0,3) -- (0,0) -- (3*0.866,-3*0.5) (0,0) -- (-3*0.866,-3*0.5);
\node at (0,-1.5) {$\{A,B\}$};
\node at (1.5*0.866,1.5*0.5) {$\{A,B\}$};
\node at (-1.5*0.866,1.5*0.5) {$\{A,B\}$};
I copied some Zako's code. I use tkz-euclide
. The points B
and C
are found with rotation.
\tikzset{line/.style = {thick}}
\tkzDefPointsBy[rotation=center O angle 360/3](A,B){B,C}
\tkzDrawCircle[R](O,\R cm)
\tkzDrawSegments[line](O,A O,B O,C)
\node at ( 30:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)};
\node at (150:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)};
\node at (270:\R/2) {\(\{A,B\}\)};