How to fully disable swagger-ui in spring-boot?(/swagger-ui.html should return 404)
My answer is similar to the answer provided earlier with a slight difference. I usually create a separate spring profile named swagger
. When I want to enable Swagger, l pass the following VM flag while starting my application,
. Here is an example of my Swagger configuration,
@Profile(value = {"swagger"})
public class SwaggerConfiguration {
Next time when you try to access swagger-ui.html
without swagger
profile, you will get an empty Swagger screen but not 404.
If you don't want to load the static Swagger UI page at all, you can write a simple controller as shown below,
public class DisableSwaggerUiController {
@RequestMapping(value = "swagger-ui.html", method = RequestMethod.GET)
public void getSwagger(HttpServletResponse httpResponse) throws IOException {
Now if you try to access swagger-ui.html
without swagger
profile, you will get a 404.
You can externalize the @EnableSwagger2
to its own @Configruation
and load it conditionally via a property or profile. e.g.
public class SwaggerConfiguration{
//Additional Swagger Beans
this would activate swagger for any profile that isn't production.
If you dont have Swagger annotations inside controllers... just exclude SwaggerConfig.class and swagger dependencies on build