How to know location about partition in hive?

Do a describe on the partition instead of the full table.
This will show the linked location if it's an external table.

describe formatted tbl_name partition (dt='20131023')

If you have multiple nested partitions, the syntax is:

describe formatted table_name partition (day=123,hour=2);

show table extended like 'tbl_name' partition (dt='20131023');

Show Tables/Partitions Extended

SHOW TABLE EXTENDED will list information for all tables matching the given regular expression. Users cannot use regular expression for table name if a partition specification is present. This command's output includes basic table information and file system information like totalNumberFiles, totalFileSize, maxFileSize, minFileSize, lastAccessTime, and lastUpdateTime. If partition is present, it will output the given partition's file system information instead of table's file system information.



