How to load all files in a directory using webpack without require statements

This is what I did to achieve this:

function requireAll(r) { r.keys().forEach(r); }
requireAll(require.context('./modules/', true, /\.js$/));

How about a map of all the files in a folder?

// { 
//   './image1.png':  '',
//   './image2.png':  '',
// }

Do this:

const allFiles = (ctx => {
    let keys = ctx.keys();
    let values =;
    return keys.reduce((o, k, i) => { o[k] = values[i]; return o; }, {});
})(require.context('./path/to/folder', true, /.*/));

Example of how to get a map of all images in the current folder.

const IMAGES_REGEX = /\.(png|gif|ico|jpg|jpeg)$/;

function mapFiles(context) {
  const keys = context.keys();
  const values =;
  return keys.reduce((accumulator, key, index) => ({
    [key]: values[index],
  }), {});

const allImages = mapFiles(require.context('./', true, IMAGES_REGEX));

In my app file I ended up putting the require

  "./common", // context folder
  true, // include subdirectories
  /.*/ // RegExp
)("./" + expr + "")

courtesy of this post:

It is now adding all my files. I have a loader for html and css and it seems to work great.