How to make a square with circles using tikz?
I'm not sure, which region of your image you like to fill by gray color. Like the following image? Please advice!
\draw[fill=gray](0,0) rectangle (4,4);
(4,1) arc (90:180:1) --
(1,0) arc (0:90:1) --
(0,3) arc (270:360:1) --
(3,4) arc (180:270:1) -- cycle
Or you like to have the following inverse coloring like this?
\draw (0,0) rectangle (4,4);
(4,1) arc (90:180:1) --
(1,0) arc (0:90:1) --
(0,3) arc (270:360:1) --
(3,4) arc (180:270:1) -- cycle
Two more options for such a figure. One uses a clipping
path while the second draws the rectangle as a node which allows to use the auto clipping property of a path picture
\draw[clip](0,0) rectangle (4,4);
\filldraw[fill=gray] (0,0) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[fill=gray] (0,4) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[fill=gray] (4,0) circle (1cm);
\filldraw[fill=gray] (4,4) circle (1cm);
\node[draw, minimum size=4cm, fill=gray,
path picture={\foreach \i in {north west, north east, south west, south east}
\filldraw[fill=white] (path picture bounding box.\i) circle (1cm);}]{};
I understand that you just want the outline of this, so let it be straight but adjustable:
\def\r{1.5} % Radius of corner circles
\def\l{5} % Square length
\draw[orange,ultra thin] (0,0) grid (\l,\l);
\draw[line width=3pt]
(\l,\r) arc (90:180:\r) --
(\r,0) arc (0:90:\r) --
(0,\l-\r) arc (270:360:\r) --
(\l-\r,\l) arc (180:270:\r) -- cycle
If you want to play with both \r
and \l
, you would draw some interesting pictures (especially if you select a radius that is greater than half the square length.
length=5 and radius=1.5:
length=5 and radius=3:
(orange grid is just to see dimensions).