How to make transparent box with shadow?

To avoid seeing the shadow in the transparent area, you can put the button inside a knockout transparency group. If the background and the shadow are in the same knockout group, the group "knocks out" the shadow:(I added some background text to show the transparency of the button and text opacity to increase the contrast)


      \node at (0,0) {\fontsize{5pt}{0pt}\selectfont\parbox{4cm}{\kant[1]}};
      \begin{scope}[transparency group=knockout]
        \node(char)[draw,fill=white,rectangle, rounded corners = 2pt,drop shadow={opacity=.5, shadow xshift=0.1cm},% blur shadow = {shadow blur steps = 5}
        fill opacity = 0.4, text opacity = 0.8] {Shadow};
      \end{scope}[transparency group=knockout]

enter image description here

Warning: Knockout groups are not supported by a lot of PDF viewers. Especially Acrobat is the only viewer I know supporting this.

A tcolorbox with a beamer style is a handy option of a more realistic appearance of translucent glass with shadow:


\tcbset{beamer,boxrule=1pt,tikz={opacity=0.8,transparency group},fontupper=\bfseries\sffamily}