How to parse XML using vba
Thanks for the pointers.
I don't know, whether this is the best approach to the problem or not, but here is how I got it to work. I referenced the Microsoft XML, v2.6 dll in my VBA, and then the following code snippet, gives me the required values
Dim objXML As MSXML2.DOMDocument
Set objXML = New MSXML2.DOMDocument
If Not objXML.loadXML(strXML) Then 'strXML is the string with XML'
Err.Raise objXML.parseError.ErrorCode, , objXML.parseError.reason
End If
Dim point As IXMLDOMNode
Set point = objXML.firstChild
Debug.Print point.selectSingleNode("X").Text
Debug.Print point.selectSingleNode("Y").Text
This is a bit of a complicated question, but it seems like the most direct route would be to load the XML document or XML string via MSXML2.DOMDocument which will then allow you to access the XML nodes.
You can find more on MSXML2.DOMDocument at the following sites:
- Manipulating XML files with Excel VBA & Xpath
- An Overview of MSXML 4.0
Add reference Project->References Microsoft XML, 6.0 and you can use example code:
Dim xml As String
xml = "<root><person><name>Me </name> </person> <person> <name>No Name </name></person></root> "
Dim oXml As MSXML2.DOMDocument60
Set oXml = New MSXML2.DOMDocument60
oXml.loadXML xml
Dim oSeqNodes, oSeqNode As IXMLDOMNode
Set oSeqNodes = oXml.selectNodes("//root/person")
If oSeqNodes.length = 0 Then
'show some message
For Each oSeqNode In oSeqNodes
Debug.Print oSeqNode.selectSingleNode("name").Text
End If
be careful with xml node //Root/Person is not same with //root/person, also selectSingleNode("Name").text is not same with selectSingleNode("name").text