How to use my gamepad globally as xbox controller (on PC)?


You must be using a 64-bit system. Your problem is that you're not replacing the right DLLs.

On 64-bit Windows, C:\Windows\SysWOW64 is used for 32-bit DLLs and C:\Windows\System32 is used for 64-bit ones.

Download the latest x360ce 64-bit dll, rename to xinput1_1.dll, xinput1_2.dll, xinput1_3.dll and xinput9_1_0.dll and put all of these in C:\Windows\System32.

Put the 32-bit ones already generated by x360ce in C:\Windows\SysWOW64. This should work.

EDIT: It won't. Games crash. After some source code research, I found that the x360ce dlls require the original dlls to be present in the system directories. The only way I can think of is asking the developer to add a feature to specify a directory for the original DLLs or edit the source code on your own. Other than that it's impossible. I'll try to do that myself and if he doesn't approve, I'll try to provide my own build here.


