How to write ≙ in latex

Use \overset from amsmath:



$A\estimates B$


It won't work in sub/superscripts, but I don't think you need the symbol there.

enter image description here

A different realization is with


that would produce

enter image description here

With the package fontspec, you may call each symbol by its unicode. In this case, the command would be $\symbol{"2259}$. You just have to look for fonts, which are giving you this symbol.

Here are 4 examples:

% arara: lualatex


Example & Font\\ \midrule
$a\wedgeq b$ & Latin Modern Math\\
\setmathfont{xits-math}$a\wedgeq b$ & XITS Math\\
\setmathfont{asana-math}$a\wedgeq b$ & Asana Math\\
\setmathfont{texgyrepagella-math}$a\wedgeq b$ & TeX Gyre Pagella Math\\

enter image description here

You can use STIX fonts if you don't mind.


\usepackage{stix} % (Times style) Main fonts of the document will be changed


$a \wedgeq b$
