Hyper-V kills internet connection when bridging

I had a static ip-address in my ethernet adapter. Removed the static entry. Made my external virtual switch. Had the extra vEthernet adapter, made my static entries (ip-address, dns-server) in this adapter. Everything is working fine now.


I just ran into the same problem, losing the internet connection when creating the virtual switch. Uninstalling VirtualBox which I had installed at the same time fixed the problem for me (just disabling the VBox adapters was not enough), so they seem to be unable to happily coexist.

I had the same problem, it takes a couple of seconds to setup the connection again. Check this tutorial: https://superuser.com/questions/469806/windows-8-hyper-v-how-to-give-vm-internet-access

If you have VirtualBoxinstalled, check if any of the Hyper-V virtual adapters/bridge connection has the VirtualBox Bridged Networking Driver ticked in the connection properties. If they do, simply untick this service where it is present and this should fix it up for you. No need to uninstall VirtualBox.


Hyper V