IIS Web Deploy's "Import/Export Application" Action Missing?

  1. Go to http://www.iis.net/downloads/microsoft/web-deploy
  2. Scroll to the bottom of the page to the "Download Web Deploy" header
  3. Click the x86 or x64 link next to your language of choice. Do not click the WebPI link.
  4. Once downloaded, click on the installer to open it.
  5. Click Next
  6. Click the Remove button
  7. Now you can reinstall it using the Web Platform Installer, or just use the standalone.

On a side note... If you don't see the Deploy options in IIS once you've reinstalled Web Deploy, try running IIS as Administrator. Hope this helps.

I am running IIS on my development machine on Windows 7. Web Deploy 3.6 seem to break something as the Import / Export Application options are not available. Had to uninstall 3.6 via control panel add/remove programs and then install 3.5 via Web PI.

I've installed Web Deployment Tool 2.1 then restart IIS Manager and the Import/Export Application appeared.


