Angular 2 Reactive Form Error - TypeError: this.form.get is not a function

I was getting the same issue with Angular 2 - reactive forms approach. My issue was with syntax when binding the main FormGroup to HTML.

I was doing <form formGroup="myFormGroupName"> instead of <form [formGroup]="myFormGroupName"/>. Hope it helps.

I posted this on the angular github. They developer over there were able to solved it for me.

It looks like there are a few things going on in your sample:

1) You don't need to add REACTIVE_FORM_DIRECTIVES or FormProviders to your module definition. These are included when you import the ReactiveFormsModule.

2) You are importing a few symbols from @angular/common. That's where the old API lives, and it's not compatible with the new API. If you change the FormBuilder import in your form component file to point to the new API in @angular/forms, the form loads as expected.