Customize length of y major grids in pgfplots
Using some new features that were introduced since your question it is now relatively easy to achieve the desired result ...
For more details please have a look at the comments in the code.
% used PGFPlots v1.14
legend style={
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
%%% these are the magic lines to get what you want
% only show axis lines on left and bottom
axis lines=left,
% with the above command arrows are by default shown on the axis lines
% which we don't want here
x axis line style={-},
y axis line style={-},
% the axis lines should be shifted (like the Tufte style)
axis line shift=10pt,
% and we want to show major grid lines for the y axis
% the y tick distance showed be increased ...
ytick distance=50,
% ---------------------------------------------------------------------
tick align=outside,
every axis legend/.append style={at={(0.9,0.5)}},
legend cell align=right,
no markers,
\foreach \datafile in {50,500} {
\addplot table [
skip first n=2,
x expr=\thisrowno{0} + 0.412,
y expr={
( 1000000 * \thisrowno{1} ) / sqrt ( \datafile / 1000 )
] {\datafile.ocw};
This does the trick.
- the y ticks are saved in the variable
- the white background of the caption is removed to prevent hiding of the grid
is used instead offoreach
because of theaxis
environment (see for example this question)- the lines are drawn with
using extremal x-coordinates from data.
Complete code:
\pgfplotsset{compat = newest}
every axis legend/.append style =
cells = { anchor = east },
draw = none
tufte axes/.style =
after end axis/.code =
\draw ({rel axis cs:0,0} -| {axis cs:\pgfplots@data@xmin,0}) -- ({rel axis cs:0,0} -| {axis cs:\pgfplots@data@xmax,0});
\draw ({rel axis cs:0,0} |- {axis cs:0,\pgfplots@data@ymin}) -- ({rel axis cs:0,0} |-{axis cs:0,\pgfplots@data@ymax});
axis line style = {draw = none},
tick align = outside,
tick pos = left
execute at begin axis={
\expandafter\pgfplotsinvokeforeach\expandafter{\yticks}{\draw[gray,thin] ({axis cs:\pgfplots@data@xmin,#1}) -- ({axis cs:\pgfplots@data@xmax,#1}); }
every axis y grid/.append style={red},
\def\yticks{-100,-50,0} % TICKS DEFINED MANUALLY
legend style={fill=none}, % SO THAT THE LINE IS NOT HIDDEN BY THE LEGEND BA
tufte axes,
every axis legend/.append style = {at = {(0.9,0.5)}}
\foreach \datafile in {50,500}
[ mark=none, skip first n = 2 ,
x expr = \thisrowno{0} + 0.412,
y expr =
( 1000000 * \thisrowno{1} )
/ sqrt ( \datafile / 1000 )
from {\datafile.ocw};