How to make sure Spring Boot extra Jackson modules are of same version?

Specify your dependencies explicitly and remove dependencies that you don't need as in:

<!-- Add typical dependencies for a web application -->

You can also change the version of built-in libs by overriding the properties. A list of properties can be found by looking at properties from effective POM using the command below. You can find the property which @Phil Web mentioned in the effective POM.

mvn help:effective-pom 

Spring Boot provides managed dependencies for the following Jackson modules:

  • jackson-annotations
  • jackson-core
  • jackson-databind
  • jackson-datatype-joda
  • jackson-datatype-jsr310

If you're using maven then additional modules could be defined in your own POM using the ${jackson.version} property. eg:


In Gradle just add ext['jackson.version'] = 'specify version here' before dependencies section.