Hypergeometric function with large parameters
Using N
on exact input avoids the round-off error from calculating the two hypergeometric functions separately. (I stopped before x = 1
, since that produces a divide-by-zero error.)
N@Table[Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[601, Rationalize[100.1], 100, x] /
Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[600, Rationalize[100.1], 100, x],
{x, 0, 1 - 1/100, 1/100}]
Alternatively, one could use a relatively high WorkingPrecision
Plot[Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[601, Rationalize[100.1], 100, x] /
Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[600, Rationalize[100.1], 100, x],
{x, 0, 1}, WorkingPrecision -> 50]
(Pretty much the same graph as above.)
Using one of the three-term recurrences satisfied by ${}_2 F_1$, and exploiting the fact that $a$ and $c$ are integers, here is an implementation of the continued fraction expansion of the hypergeometric function ratio in the OP:
ratio2f1[a_Integer?Positive, b_, c_Integer?Positive, z_] :=
((a (z - 2) - b z + c)/a +
ContinuedFractionK[(a - k - c)/(a - k) (z - 1),
((a - k - 1) (z - 2) - b z + c)/(a - k - 1),
{k, 0, a - 2}])/(z - 1)
This implementation is now quite stable for plotting purposes:
Plot[{Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[601, 1001/10, 100, x]/
Hypergeometric2F1Regularized[600, 1001/10, 100, x],
ratio2f1[600, 1001/10, 100, x]}, {x, 0, 1},
PlotStyle -> {AbsoluteThickness[5], AbsoluteThickness[2]}]
Let me also present an alternative implementation that avoids using ContinuedFractionK[]
, which may be useful for e.g. making a compiled function. I used the Lentz-Thompson-Barnett algorithm to evaluate the continued fraction:
ratio2f1[a_Integer?Positive, b_, c_Integer?Positive, z_] := Module[{ak, bk, ck, dk, f},
f = ck = (a (z - 2) - b z + c)/a; dk = 0;
Do[ak = (a - k - c)/(a - k) (z - 1);
bk = ((a - k - 1) (z - 2) - b z + c)/(a - k - 1);
dk = 1/(bk + ak dk); ck = bk + ak/ck; f *= ck dk,
{k, 0, a - 2}];
f/(z - 1)]