Setting up PHPUnit on OSX

We can install it using Homebrew

$ brew install phpunit

To install via terminal:

curl -L -o phpunit.phar

chmod +x phpunit.phar

mv phpunit.phar /usr/local/bin/phpunit

Via homebrew (only if you've installed php via homebrew as well):

brew tap josegonzalez/php
brew install phpunit

Ahhh.... OK ... I think I might have gotten it working now.

the answer was present in the PHPUnit documentation.

After the installation you can find the PHPUnit source files inside your local PEAR directory; the path is usually /usr/lib/php/PHPUnit.

The Mac version of PEAR that I was running, did install PHPUnit if I ran all the commands listed under the "SUDO" user eg:

sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear channel-discover
sudo pear upgrade-all

At this point, all the files are downloaded to /usr/local/pear but the command


is looking to include files from /usr/lib/php/PHPUnit The solution? To copy the PHPUnit folder from

cp /usr/lib/pear/PHPUnit /usr/lib/php


make a symlink

cd /usr/lib/php
ln -s /usr/lib/pear/PHPUnit PHPUnit

I've seen a lot of people with similar problems, but this particular solution hadn't come up in any of the threads I've seen. Hopefully of use to you :) -Alex