Why can't I open a JBoss vfs:/ URL?

Previous answer still yields a stream that can't be read from.

I found that I can get a physical File that the VirtualFile refers to, but the returned result refers to a directory named contents/ , within a directory that contains the actual file I'm looking for. So:

 import org.jboss.vfs.*;

  String filename = ...;
  URLConnection conn = new URL("vfs:/...").openConnection();
  VirtualFile vf = (VirtualFile)conn.getContent();
  File contentsFile = vf.getPhysicalFile();
  File dir = contentsFile.getParentFile();
  File physicalFile = new File(dir, filename);
  InputStream is = new FileInputStream(physicalFile);

What a mess. I still don't understand my original question, which is why would JBoss hand me a URL that can't be read from? But at least I can move on, for now.

I've discovered that the getContent() method will give me a VirtualFile, which perhaps I can use. Still doesn't explain why I can't just do an openStream() on a vfs:/ URL.

import org.jboss.vfs.*;

URLConnection conn = new URL("vfs:/...").openConnection();
VirtualFile vf = (VirtualFile)conn.getContent();
InputStream is = vf.openStream();

The issue JBVFS-147 Cannot read from vfs: protocol URL is still unresolved, maybe you want to vote and watch this issue.




