Is it possible to await an event instead of another async method?

Here is a utility class that I use:

public class AsyncEventListener
    private readonly Func<bool> _predicate;

    public AsyncEventListener() : this(() => true)


    public AsyncEventListener(Func<bool> predicate)
        _predicate = predicate;
        Successfully = new Task(() => { });

    public void Listen(object sender, EventArgs eventArgs)
        if (!Successfully.IsCompleted && _predicate.Invoke())

    public Task Successfully { get; }

And here is how I use it:

var itChanged = new AsyncEventListener();
someObject.PropertyChanged += itChanged.Listen;

// ... make it change ...

await itChanged.Successfully;
someObject.PropertyChanged -= itChanged.Listen;

When you have an unusual thing you need to await on, the easiest answer is often TaskCompletionSource (or some async-enabled primitive based on TaskCompletionSource).

In this case, your need is quite simple, so you can just use TaskCompletionSource directly:

private TaskCompletionSource<object> continueClicked;

private async void Button_Click_1(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e) 
  // Note: You probably want to disable this button while "in progress" so the
  //  user can't click it twice.
  await GetResults();
  // And re-enable the button here, possibly in a finally block.

private async Task GetResults()
  // Do lot of complex stuff that takes a long time
  // (e.g. contact some web services)

  // Wait for the user to click Continue.
  continueClicked = new TaskCompletionSource<object>();
  buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Visible;
  await continueClicked.Task;
  buttonContinue.Visibility = Visibility.Collapsed;

  // More work...

private void buttonContinue_Click(object sender, RoutedEventArgs e)
  if (continueClicked != null)

Logically, TaskCompletionSource is like an async ManualResetEvent, except that you can only "set" the event once and the event can have a "result" (in this case, we're not using it, so we just set the result to null).

You can use an instance of the SemaphoreSlim Class as a signal:

private SemaphoreSlim signal = new SemaphoreSlim(0, 1);

// set signal in event

// wait for signal somewhere else
await signal.WaitAsync();

Alternatively, you can use an instance of the TaskCompletionSource<T> Class to create a Task<T> that represents the result of the button click:

private TaskCompletionSource<bool> tcs = new TaskCompletionSource<bool>();

// complete task in event

// wait for task somewhere else
await tcs.Task;