Is it possible to determine the number of elements of a c++ enum class?

Not directly, but you could use the following trick:

enum class Example { A, B, C, D, E, Count };

Then the cardinality is available as static_cast<int>(Example::Count).

Of course, this only works nicely if you let values of the enum be automatically assigned, starting from 0. If that's not the case, you can manually assign the correct cardinality to Count, which is really no different from having to maintain a separate constant anyway:

enum class Example { A = 1, B = 2, C = 4, D = 8, E = 16, Count = 5 };

The one disadvantage is that the compiler will allow you to use Example::Count as an argument for an enum value -- so be careful if you use this! (I personally find this not to be a problem in practice, though.)

// clang-format off
constexpr auto TEST_START_LINE = __LINE__;
enum class TEST { // Subtract extra lines from TEST_SIZE if an entry takes more than one 
    ONE = 7
  , TWO = 6
  , THREE = 9
constexpr auto TEST_SIZE = __LINE__ - TEST_START_LINE - 3;
// clang-format on

This is derived from UglyCoder's answer but improves it in three ways.

  • There are no extra elements in the type_safe enum (BEGIN and SIZE) (Cameron's answer also has this problem.)
    • The compiler will not complain about them being missing from a switch statement (a significant problem)
    • They cannot be passed inadvertently to functions expecting your enum. (not a common problem)
  • It does not require casting for use. (Cameron's answer has this problem too.)
  • The subtraction does not mess with the size of the enum class type.

It retains UglyCoder's advantage over Cameron's answer that enumerators can be assigned arbitrary values.

A problem (shared with UglyCoder but not with Cameron) is that it makes newlines and comments significant ... which is unexpected. So someone could add an entry with whitespace or a comment without adjusting TEST_SIZE's calculation. This means that code formatters can break this. After evg656e's comment, I edited the answer to disable clang-format, but caveat emptor if you use a different formatter.

For C++17 you can use magic_enum::enum_count from lib

magic_enum::enum_count<Example>() -> 4.

Where is the drawback?

This library uses a compiler-specific hack (based on __PRETTY_FUNCTION__ / __FUNCSIG__), which works on Clang >= 5, MSVC >= 15.3 and GCC >= 9.

We go through the given interval range, and find all the enumerations with a name, this will be their count. Read more about limitations

Many more about this hack in this post