Is it reasonable to use None as a dictionary key in Python?

You want trouble? here we go:

>>> json.loads(json.dumps({None:None}))
{u'null': None}

So yea, better stay away from json if you do use None as a key. You can patch this by custom (de/)serializer, but I would advise against use of None as a key in the first place.

Any hashable value is a valid Python Dictionary Key. For this reason, None is a perfectly valid candidate. There's no confusion when looking for non-existent keys - the presence of None as a key would not affect the ability to check for whether another key was present. Ex:

>>> d = {1: 'a', 2: 'b', None: 'c'}
>>> 1 in d
>>> 5 in d
>>> None in d

There's no conflict, and you can test for it just like normal. It shouldn't cause you a problem. The standard 1-to-1 Key-Value association still exists, so you can't have multiple things in the None key, but using None as a key shouldn't pose a problem by itself.