labelled end points on logic diagram
Just use the gate objet points to put a node with text with some desired anchor definition like this.
(0,2) node[and port] (myand1) {}
(0,0) node[and port] (myand2) {}
(2,1) node[xnor port] (myxnor) {}
(myand1.out) -- ( 1)
(myand2.out) -- ( 2);
\draw (myand1.out) node[anchor=south,scale=0.5]{out};
\draw ( 1) node[anchor=south,color=blue]{in1};
\draw ( 2) node[anchor=south east,rotate=90,scale=0.5]{in2};
Just use circuit tikz node "short" in a relative point:
(0,2) node[and port] (myand1) {}
(0,0) node[and port] (myand2) {}
(2,1) node[xnor port] (myxnor) {}
(myand1.out) -- ( 1)
(myand2.out) -- ( 2);
\draw (myand1.out) node[anchor=south,scale=0.5]{out};
\draw ( 1) node[anchor=south,color=blue]{in1};
\draw ( 2) node[anchor=south east,rotate=90,scale=0.5]{in2};
%Second question
( 1) % Starting point
to [short,-*] ++ (-1,0) %++ indicates that the coordinate is relative to the starting point
node[anchor=east]{Ext input}
to [short,-*] ++ (2,0)
node[anchor=west]{xnor output};
you can see more complicated implementation and animation in my old answers about this issues. How do I simulate a logic circuit in latex?
in the circuitikz manual page 45 they do something like this (with transistors. here converted to xnor)
(0,0) node[xnor port] (myxnor) {}
( 1) node[anchor=east](label xnor in 1){A}
( 2) node[anchor=east](label xnor in 1){B};