Maintaining viewstate in mvc?

You can imitate view state by serializing model in view using MVC3Futures project

All you have to do is to serialize model and encrypt it in view.

@Html.Serialize("Transfer", Model, SerializationMode.EncryptedAndSigned)

And in controller add deserialized attribute.

public ActionResult Transfer(string id,[Deserialize(SerializationMode.EncryptedAndSigned)]Transfer transfer)

ASP.NET MVC does not use ViewState in the traditional sense (that of storing the values of controls in the web page). Rather, the values of the controls are posted to a controller method. Once the controller method has been called, what you do with those values is up to you.

ASP.NET MVC will persist the values of the controls long enough for you to validate them and (if needed) to round-trip them back to your page for editing or correction. If the controls validate, you can persist them to a database or other data store, where they will be available for subsequent GET requests.