Making tables and update calculated values

A few customizations for the IntervalSlider and InputField controls:

ClearAll[thumb, intSlider, inpField]
thumb = Graphics[{#, Text[Style["▲", #, 16], Offset[{0, -20}, {0, 0}]], 
     Text[Style[#2, 12], Offset[{0, -35}, {0, 0}]]}, ImageSize -> 20] &;

intSlider[Dynamic[{x_, y_}], range_, opts___ : OptionsPattern[]] := 
 IntervalSlider[Dynamic[{x, y}], range, Method -> "Stop", 
  Appearance -> {"ThumbAppearance" -> {thumb[Red, Dynamic[x]], None, 
      thumb[Blue, Dynamic[y]]}}, ImageSize -> {400, 50}, opts]

inpField = InputField[#, Appearance -> "Frameless", FieldSize -> 5, 
    Alignment -> Center] &;

Given a list of input functions, we only need the functions Interval and MinMax to find the extrema of the input expressions:

ClearAll[functions, minMax]
functions = {# + #2 &, -# &, # + 2 #2 &, -#2 &, #- #2&, #2 - #&, 1/(2 # - #2) &};
minMax[f_][x_, y_] := MinMax@f[Interval@x, Interval@y]

The IntervalSliders and InputFields are used to specify the input.

DynamicModule[{a = {20, 50}, b = {35, 75}}, Dynamic @ 
    Grid[{{Grid[{{Labeled[intSlider[Dynamic@{a[[1]], a[[2]]}, {0, 100, 1}], 
         Style["a", 16], Left], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft},
      {Labeled[intSlider[Dynamic@{b[[1]], b[[2]]}, {0, 100, 1}], 
         Style["b", 16], Left], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}}, 
      Dividers -> All, ItemSize -> 10]}, 
   {Grid[{{"a", SpanFromLeft, "b", SpanFromLeft} /. s_String :>
          Item[s, Background -> LightGray], 
       Item[#, Background -> LightBlue] & /@ {"min", "max", "min", "max"},
       Item[#, Background -> LightYellow] & /@ 
        {inpField[Dynamic[a[[1]]]], inpField[Dynamic[a[[2]]]], 
         inpField[Dynamic[b[[1]]]], inpField[Dynamic[b[[2]]]]}}, 
      Frame -> {All, All}, ColumnsEqual -> True, ItemSize -> 10, Alignment -> Center]},
    {Dynamic@ Grid[{{"expr", SpanFromLeft, "min (expr)", "max (expr)"} /. 
          s_String :> Item[s, Background -> LightMagenta],
       ## & @@ Table[{foo["a", "b"], SpanFromLeft, ##& @@ minMax[foo][a, b]}, 
          {foo, functions}]}, 
      Dividers -> All, ColumnsEqual -> True, ItemSize -> 10, Alignment -> Center]}}]]

![enter image description here

Note: You can also define functions as

functions = Function[{x, y}, #] & /@
   {x + y, -x, x + 2 y, -y, x - y, y - x, 1/(2 x - y)}

Update: Dealing with cases where some input expression are lists, as in,for example,

expList = {x + y, 2 x, {x + y, 2 x}, -x, x + 2 y, -y, x - y, y - x,  1/(2 x - y)}

We need to modify minMax to handle lists:

ClearAll[minMax, functions]

minMax[f_][x_, y_] := MinMax@f[Interval@x, Interval@y]

minMax[f_List][x_, y_] := MinMax@Transpose[minMax[#][x, y] & /@ f]

Second, we need to transform the input list to a list of functions:

functions = Block[{bar}, 
  Map[bar, expList, 1] /. bar[l_List] :> bar /@ l /. bar -> (Function[{x, y}, #] &)]

Finally, we need to change the first argument of Table in the last grid to handle lists in the functions list properly.

With these changes (removing the second grid with input fields):

DynamicModule[{a = {20, 50}, b = {35, 75}}, 
 Dynamic@Grid[{{Grid[{{Labeled[intSlider[Dynamic@{a[[1]], a[[2]]}, {0, 100, 1}], 
         Style["a", 16], Left], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}, 
    {Labeled[intSlider[Dynamic@{b[[1]], b[[2]]}, {0, 100, 1}], 
         Style["b", 16], Left], SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft, SpanFromLeft}}, 
    Dividers -> All, ItemSize -> 10]},
 {Dynamic@ Grid[{{"expr", SpanFromLeft, "min (expr)", "max (expr)"} /. 
         s_String :> Item[s, Background -> LightMagenta], 
     ## & @@ Table[{If[Head[foo] === List, Through@foo["a", "b"], foo["a", "b"]], 
                    SpanFromLeft, ## & @@ minMax[foo][a, b]}, 
                    {foo, functions}]},
  Dividers -> All, ColumnsEqual -> True, ItemSize -> 10, Alignment -> Center]}}]]

enter image description here

One way is to use Minimize and Maximize with constraint.

Need to make sure min is smaller than max, else you'll get unexpected results.

enter image description here

 Module[{a, b},
     {"expression", "Min", "Max"},
      First@Minimize[{a + b, minA < a < maxA && minB < b < maxB}, {a, b}], 
      First@Maximize[{a + b, minA < a < maxA && minB < b < maxB}, {a, b}]},
     {"-a", First@Minimize[{-a, minA < a < maxA}, a], 
      First@Maximize[{-a, minA < a < maxA}, a]},
     {"a+2 b", First@Minimize[{a + 2 b, minA < a < maxA && minB < b < maxB}, {a, b}], 
      First@Maximize[{a + b, minA < a < maxA && minB < b < maxB}, {a,b}]},
     {"-b", First@Minimize[{-b, minB < b < maxB}, b], 
      First@Maximize[{-b, minB < b < maxB}, b]}
     }, Frame -> All
 {{minA, 1, "Min of a"}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 {{maxA, 3, "Max of a"}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 {{minB, 2, "Min of b"}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 {{maxB, 6, "Max of b"}, 0, 10, 1, Appearance -> "Labeled"},
 TrackedSymbols :> {minA, minB, maxA, maxB} 