Merging arrays based on a value of the key

Use array_replace_recursive function for easy and fast way

array_replace_recursive($color, $size)

Pure php solution is to use array_replace_recursive like this:

  array_combine(array_column($color, "id"), $color),
  array_combine(array_column($size, "id"), $size)

You should notice that array_replace_recursive merge arrays by keys. So, if you get such data from database:

$color = [
    ['id' => 1, 'color' => 'red'],
    ['id' => 2, 'color' => 'red']

$size = [
    ['id' => 2, 'size' => 'SM']

array_replace_recursive will return corrupted merge:

$combined = [
    ['id' => 2, 'color' => 'red', 'size' => 'SM'],
    ['id' => 2, 'color' => 'red']

The solution is to combine array_replace_recursive with array_column and array_combine for merging arrays by their's id field:

  array_combine(array_column($color, "id"), $color),
  array_combine(array_column($size, "id"), $size)

array_combine(array_column($color, "id"), $color) creates associative array with id as keys.

So, in your case it will return:

$combined = [
    1 => ['id' => 1, 'color' => 'red', 'size' => 'SM'],
    2 => ['id' => 2, 'color' => 'green', 'size' => 'XL'],
    3 => ['id' => 3, 'color' => 'blue', 'size' => 'MD'],
    4 => ['id' => 4, 'size' => 'LG'],