Minutes since midnight in Momentjs

This is what I have at the moment:

    if (!moment.isMoment(mmt)) {
        return 0;
    var hh = mmt.get('hour');
    var mm = mmt.get('minute');
    return hh*60 + mm;

I am not sure if it takes into account various edge cases; comment if this is the case, or provide an alternate answer.

// Your moment
var mmt = moment();

// Your moment at midnight
var mmtMidnight = mmt.clone().startOf('day');

// Difference in minutes
var diffMinutes = mmt.diff(mmtMidnight, 'minutes');

By default, moment#diff will return number rounded down. If you want the floating point number, pass true as the third argument. Before 2.0.0, moment#diff returned rounded number, not a rounded down number.

Consider this pseudocode because I haven't test to see if the difference takes into account DST.