Mix align and enumerate

Aligning at the equation tags

align* is not required if you just wish to align the items. Here's an example using multienum:

\mitemxxx{\(x^2 + y^2 = 1\)}{\(a + b = c\)}{\(r-x = y+z\)}
\mitemxxx{\(f - y = z\)}{\(a - b = 2d\)}{\(r+x = 2y-3z\)}

enter image description here

Aligning relation symbols and equation tags

If you wish to align both at relation symbols and on equation numbers, I recommend to use the alignat* environment. Mark alignment points by &, further use & to separate columns. The argument to alignat* specifies the number of columns. Here we've got six columns: three for the tags and three for the equations.

  \num&& x^2 + y^2 &= 1 \qquad& \num&& a + b &= c
          &  \num&& r-x &= y+z \\
  \num&\quad& f - y &= z      & \num&& a - b &= 2d
    \qquad&  \num&& r+x &= 2y-3z

enter image description here

I used automatic numbering. You could do it manually as well, just take care of the font, the tags should be in text font. So they don't look like variables.