Multiline f-string in Python

I think it would be

return f'''{} - {self.time},
Tags: {self.tags},
Text: {self.text}'''

You can use either triple single quotation marks or triple double quotation marks, but put an f at the beginning of the string:

Triple Single Quotes

return f'''{} - {self.time},
Tags:' {self.tags},
Text: {self.text}'''

Triple Double Quotes

return f"""{} - {self.time},
Tags:' {self.tags},
Text: {self.text}"""

Notice that you don't need to use "\n" because you are using a multiple-line string.

From Style Guide for Python Code:

The preferred way of wrapping long lines is by using Python's implied line continuation inside parentheses, brackets and braces.

Given this, the following would solve your problem in a PEP-8 compliant way.

return (
    f'{} - {self.time}\n'
    f'Tags: {self.tags}\n'
    f'Text: {self.text}'

Python strings will automatically concatenate when not separated by a comma, so you do not need to explicitly call join().