.NET Core Blazor App: How to pass data between pages?

I personally prefer to add query string to the url.

For example when I want to pre-select tab when page is loaded:

Call the url like http://localhost:5000/profile?TabIndex=2

In your code you can parse this using NavigationManager and QueryHelpers

Add using Microsoft.AspNetCore.WebUtilities;

Then override one of the lifecycle methods and parse the query parameter

protected override void OnAfterRender(bool firstRender)
        if (firstRender)
            Uri uri = this.Nav.ToAbsoluteUri(this.Nav.Uri);
            if (QueryHelpers.ParseQuery(uri.Query).TryGetValue("TabIndex", out StringValues values))
                if (values.SafeAny())
                    _ = int.TryParse(values.First(), out int index);
                    this.TabIndex = index;

You can pass it as a parameter.

In the page you want to navigate to, add the parameter to your route:

@page "/navigatetopage/{myvalue}"

and make sure the parameter exists in that page:

private string myvalue{ get; set; }

In the same page you can pick that up in:

protected override void OnParametersSet()
    //the param will be set now
    var test = myvalue;

Now in your start page make sure to navigate to the second page including the value:


That uriHelper needs to be injected like this:

@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Blazor.Services.IUriHelper uriHelper

UPDATE PREVIEW-9 on preview-9 you should use navigationManager instead of uriHelper, it also has a NavigateTo method

@inject Microsoft.AspNetCore.Components.NavigationManager navigationManager